NEW Straits Times celebrates 170 years with the tag line Inspired by
Greatness this year. It so happens I also celebrate 20 years as a
columnist with a more modest feeling guided by humbleness. It is indeed
humbling to be part of a tradition that makes up the institution’s
memories. My column was initiated by one of the then editors, Rose
Ismail, when Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) won the bid to create and
host the nation’s first National Poison Centre. It was a proud moment
for the country’s first school of pharmaceutical sciences which has
already set up the National Drug Centre — another first for the nation.
In fact, a few years after the establishment of the National Poison
Centre, the Doping Control Centre was also created out of the school,
yet another first for Malaysia and Asean. In 1998, the National Poison
Centre was recognised as the World Health Organisation Collaborative
Centre (WHOCC) for Drug Information Service for the Western Pacific
Region — another first. Such was the standing of USM then, the second
oldest university living up to its motto Kami Memimpin (We Lead). All
these centres serve not only to value-add teaching and learning but also
research, providing updated knowledge of the various fields. More
importantly, they act as cogent points of interaction with the community
and the public. This was long before words such as “community
engagement” or “knowledge transfer” were fashionably used, at times
reluctantly because they were not part of the image of an ivory tower.
After all, under the maxim “publish or perish”, knowledge is to be
circulated in obscure journals sanctioned by peers, quite aloof from
prying public eyes. So it was under these strenuous conditions that Rose
worked her charms on me to do a weekly write-up of not more than 800
words under the strap Poison Control. Many of my peers regarded it a
futile exercise to defy the rules of the ivory tower, with no academic
reward or recognition attached to it. The phrase “publish or perish”
reads more like “conform or be damned”. My non-conformist self would
rather be damned and I refused to be herded around mindlessly. So, Rose
won the day, and later I found out that to write meaningfully in 800
words for the public is no mean feat. Trained to write for a select few
with copious footnotes, cross-references and quotes to back an argument,
I was constrained by the strict word count. Suffice to say that this
was a humbling experience beyond the scope of academe. But it soon
turned into a hobby and, later, a compelling habit! The rewards and, at
times, recognition come in different ways, and it is academically
enriching when readers share their comments. Suddenly one feels
appreciated and relevant. The ivory tower is just one of many seats of
learning, and a conceited one at that. The most precious lesson learnt
at the helm of the National Poison Centre and WHOCC was the weekly
column engaged with the people who mattered while shaping new thinking. I
gained the courage to be different, if not to lead. On the threshold of
writing a column for 21 years this week, I am thankful for Rose, and
those who took over after her — Alan Rashid, Norman Ignatius, Faezah
Ismail and, now, Hazlina Aziz, for maintaining the column while not
forgetting many others behind the scene. To date, more than 1,000
articles have been penned, culminating in a six-volume compilation on
select topics under the Voicing Concern series. I am privileged to be
given the space to voice my concerns, many of which are provocative and
controversial, but mostly contrarian viewpoints. There were hardly any
attempt to censor, or complaints from my “bosses” (except one who felt
that I appeared too often in the media relative to him). With these
limited but real experiences, I urge those in the academic circles to
regularly use the mass media to expound ideas without fear or favour. We
are a neutral party for the benefit of the community to which the
university belongs. This is a call of duty as part of its “third
mission” to co-create knowledge for mutual benefit.
Teks : Prof. Tan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli Abdul Razak