Holds a B. Soc. Science (major in Economic and minor Antropology/Sociology) (2002) and Master in Public Administration (2008) from Universiti Sains Malaysia.

Equipped with 24 years experiences in banking sector (Bank Simpanan Nasional) and has served in various departments within the banking operations. Currently working in Financing and Business Development Department which principal activities covering sales and marketing business loan,  proses loan application and recommend to loan committee to get approval, loan monitoring and collection.

Experience are :

1) Committee member MPA Club 2007/2008
2) Ketua Pusat Mengundi PRU ke-10
3) Ketua Pusat Mengundi PRU ke-11
4) Ketua Pusat Mengundi PRU ke-12
5) Penyelia Pusat Mengundi PRU ke-13

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